Halcyon Assisted Living Society

Our Vision

To provide Assisted Living Housing and services to local residents and those from surrounding areas who need these services, while allowing them to remain close to their home, community and families.

Our Mission

To ensure that Assisted Living Housing and support services are provided in an accountable, effective, and responsive manner by responsible administration.

Our Values

The Halcyon Assisted Living Society will ensure that the principles of Assisted Living Services will be upheld. Giving every client or tenant Choice, Privacy, Independence, Individuality, Dignity and Respect at all times; allowing people to age successfully in their/our community.

  • The Society will be accountable and approachable by the community it serves.

  • The Board of Directors will work cooperatively with all program partners.

  • The Board of Directors will work diligently to fulfill their responsibilities of governance.

Tim Payne
Executive Director